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MGH Center for Faculty Development

How to Identify Funding Opportunities

Are you a graduate student or a postdoctoral fellow and are you interested in finding new external funding opportunities for your research? Community of Science (COS) Pivot is a database of funding announcements from government, commercial and international sponsors. At …

MGH Center for Faculty Development

Peer-Coaching Groups

If you are struggling with stress during this time, the MGH Office of Well-Being is supporting the creation of peer-coaching groups that you can join. These groups will be composed of MGH researchers like you and their aim is to …

MGH Center for Faculty Development

Stress Reduction for Researchers

Experiments, shifts, family duties - the pandemic has resulted in many demands and many restrictions. How can you avoid getting completely overwhelmed and take back control? The Office for Well-Being and Office for Research Careers will be hosting Giulia Arsuffi, …